Month: December 2012

the brilliant face of God

The Incan Empire had practices that make us recoil. One was child sacrifice. Each year, certain families would surrender their child. They would celebrate their child and then give her corn alcohol to dull her fear. Then they would carry her up a mountain and knock her unconscious so that she wouldn’t feel pain. The child was then left to die of exposure. It would be wrong to surmise that these families de-valued children. Quite the opposite, this was a grave decision for the parents. They simply felt that their gods demanded this action.

the harvest

As I reflect on the horrid event that occurred at the elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut (US), I am truly saddened that there apparently was no one in this young man’s life that recognized and acted on the level of turmoil he was enduring. It also occurs to me that this level of despair is potentially present in our own…

December 17, 2012

What do you say when someone asks, “Why does God allow evil acts to occur?”

the only thing

My elderly friend called me to ask if I would come over and pray with his wife who he thought might not survive the night. It was a sacred privilege to kneel beside her bed.

narrow road, eternal life

One of the most prevalent of modern myths is the idea that boundary-less living leads to freedom. A permissive lifestyle may feel free for a time, but it will soon trap us. In ludicrous manner we shout, “I’m free! I’m free!” as we back into a cage and lock the door.

positive ID

I was pushing my daughter’s pink stroller up and down the aisles of an auto-parts store when my toddler excitedly began pointing straight ahead at a fellow customer who looked just like the pictures of Jesus in her illustrated Bible. She called out to the man, using the Lord’s name. Despite her innocence and joy, the man appeared to be irked by my daughter’s mistake about his identity.

the comfort of God

Sometimes I wish life was like more like an episode of the television drama House. The show is about an egotistical but genius medical sleuth (Dr. Gregory House) who diagnoses and treats mysterious, life-threatening illnesses.

forgetting the reason

One of the main reasons why I love taking photos is because I can try to portray God’s handiwork. I try my best to show God’s creation, knowing that all I’m doing is merely trying to show the house through a peephole.

I have been guilty of forgetting the reason why I am snapping pics, but now I’ve been harshly…

sin is serious

David Head, in his book He Sent Leanness, overhauls a traditional public confession of sin found in the Book of Common Prayer and offers a satirical look at our shallow view of sin: “Benevolent and easy-going Parent: We have occasionally had some minor errors of judgment, but they’re not really our fault. Due to forces beyond our control, we have sometimes failed to act in accordance with our own best interests. Under the circumstances, we did the best we could. We are glad to say that we’re doing okay, perhaps even slightly above average. Be your own sweet Self with those who know they are not perfect.” Oh, how we trust in our own righteousness and justify our sinfulness!

when giving isn’t helping

Street kids populate most intersections in Uganda’s capital city Kampala. I know many of the children by name, and when I’m stopped in traffic they regularly congregate at my car to talk and laugh with me.

identity tags

In 2010, an estimated 10.8 million babies were born every month—meaning 362,000 babies were born every day, four babies every second. So if the future king of the world was born today, how would you know where to find this newborn monarch among the thousands of other little bundles of joy? Thankfully, in most hospitals, a baby is given a tag that identifies who the baby belongs to.

December 10, 2012

How are you seeking to transform today’s culture for Christ?

workaholic or fool

There was a man who worked 70 hours a week. Fortunately, he loved his job. He brought home a nice paycheck and provided good things for his family. He thought, One of these days I’ll slow down—but not today. One evening, he came home and his family wasn’t there.

mary’s risky calling

May everything you have said about me come true” (Luke 1:38). With those words a young (probably teenage) Mary responded to the greatest discipleship call ever given. She had been chosen to give birth to the Son of God. The ramifications would be huge.

man and woman

Ah, December . . . shimmering, white snow caressing the ground—and streets. But in time, traffic and dirt will alter the roadside snow, resulting in a sullied state.

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